Established in 1984 as artist and concert management, Helsingin Juhlamusiikkipalvelu Oy (JMP Music) nowadays offers, besides management services, also a variety of additional individual services to artists and promoters. We represent a wonderful group of classical music artists, and we work for a major group of conductors and musicians helping them with their financial and career management. Our network of cooperation consists of individual musicians, conductors, orchestras, festivals and promoters.
John Storgårds appointed Chief Conductor of the BBC Philharmonic.
John Storgårds has been appointed Chief Conductor of the BBC Philharmonic. The appointment builds on an existing fruitful relationship with the orchestra which began in
Working as freelancer in Finland and abroad
Artists’ taxation in Finland and abroad
We do have over forty years of experience of managing artists in Finland and abroad, including vast experience and understanding of legal and common practise of artists’ taxation e.g. in USA, Canada, Australia, Germany and France, in addition to Finland.
Social security of artists
We also do have an extensive experience of helping artists to arrange their social security, when working in many countries for multiple employers as employee, self-employed freelancer or private entrepreneur
Contractual issues
A large variety of different contractual practises in the music era have become very familiar to us during the decades
Billing service
We also offer artists professional billing service for different situations
We are happy to help and advise you confidentially, always considering individual circumstances and needs

Lassi Marttala
Managing director
Helsingin Juhlamusiikkipalvelu Oy
jmp (at)
puh. 09 262 8109
fax 09 262 8113
Helsingin Juhlamusiikkipalvelu Oy 2022